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Our Book of the Half Term in the Rising 4’s will be: Hattie Peck
We will use our topic of Summer and the interests of the children to support and develop the
focus in each of the 7 areas.
The focus in each of the 7 areas for the Rising 3’s will be:
PSED: Share ideas, preferences and make choices
Communication and Language: Investigate different sounds
Physical Development: Summer Garden games
Mathematics: Counting games
Literacy: Fine and gross motor skills for future writing
Understanding the World: Talk about how things happen
Expressive Art and Design: Summer show songs and crafts
The focus in each of the 7 areas for the Rising 4’s will be:
PSED: Practise resilience and perseverance
Communication and Language: Conversation skills in small groups
Physical Development: Mark making with pencils
PE: Mastering obstacles and physical equipment
Mathematics: Estimating
Literacy: Exploring vocabulary in texts
Phonics: Sound talk and sound of the week
Understanding the World: Talk about how and why things happen
Expressive Art and Design: Summer show songs and crafts

  • Opening Hours
  • Monday-Friday see About Us Section for full hours
  • Full Days, Breakfast Club, Lunch Club, Morning and Afternoon Sessions available.