Planning for January and February 2025
Rising 3s
PSED: Thinking about behaviours and consequences; Internet Safety; Road Safety.
Communication and Language: Use simple language related to feelings.
Physical Development: Use and hold mark making tools; Oral Health Care.
Maths: Measure playing with size and amount.
Literacy: Sing songs and rhymes.
Understanding the World: Investigate cause and effect.
Expressive Art and Design: Using instruments to create sounds.
Rising 4's
PSED: Thinking about other's needs; Internet Safety; Road Safety.
Communication and Language: Tune into sounds.
Physical Development: Use tools to create lines and circles; Oral Health Care.
Maths: Measure, Size and Capacity.
Literacy: Use words to create stories.
Understanding the World: Investigate cause and effect.
Expressive Art and Design: Move in response to music/a story.
Phonics: Alliteration
Book of the Half Term: The Magic Porridge Pot
PE: Dance