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Language lead blog Summer 2024


Hello everyone 

I hope you’re all ready for a relaxing break and hopefully some sunshine to go with it! 

It has been such a busy last term. 

Some of the small group activities we did at the beginning of the term included:

On the farm bingo game- vocabulary, listening to instructions & turn taking 

Oi Frog rhyming book & puzzle game - revisiting and practising rhyme & exploring unfamiliar words 

Balloon game - exploring vocabulary, waiting for their turn & listening and attention 

The Enormous Turnip book with props - listening and attention & confidence following and joining in with a story 

Match a rhyme game - listening and attention, rhyming & sequencing 

Catch and count game - following rules & turn taking 


Unfortunately due to focusing on specialist speech & language I haven’t been able to carry out as much general small group work recently. I’m hoping to pick this back up in September though, as they are so beneficial for all the children. These are mostly done with the rising 4’s cohort as they are able to focus for that little bit longer. The rising 3’s tend to be better when the learning is brought to them in session such as little table top activities like sensory or baking or a focused craft that they can come and go to as they please. 


I’m also really hoping to begin trips to the local garage shop again. This is a great opportunity for the children to develop their language as they talk about what they can see in the shop, what they like and don’t like and what their grown ups buy when they go to the shops. We also have a listening walk on the way there and back and also look out for letters, number, signs. As well as that, there may be something to focus on whilst in the shop, for example looking for certain items using a picture shopping list. There may be times when we actually buy something too ,so the children can get involved with that. 


Over the summer holidays why not head over to the BBC Tiny Happy People Facebook or Instagram page, where there will be lots of tips and ideas for things to do at home or whilst out and about. 

I look forward to seeing you back in September 

Joelle - Preschool Language Lead 

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